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Highest Bidder: Anonymous
15 Córrego Seco



x 15 Bids

Winner: Wataru & Co., Ltd.

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Located in the Chapada Diamantina region, in the city of Piatã, BA, the farm is owned by Mr. Edemar Lúcio.

As it is located in a region propitious for the production of specialty coffees, due to its average elevation of 1250 meters above sea level, where the temperature varies from 2 to 18ºC in the winter, the producer has invested in infrastructure and workforce training, seeking excellence in his production, in a sustainable manner, technically guiding his workers and stimulating the creation of jobs and income in the surrounding areas.

The entire harvest is done by hand, in a very artisanal manner. Women do most of this, picking selectively. At the end of the day, the coffee is pulped. After pulping, the beans spend 12 hours in tanks of water and are then spread on concrete patios and raked several times per day for even drying.

Rank: 15
Score: 87.72
Boxes: 23
Weight: 1554.26
Variety: Catuaí 144
Process: Pulped Natural
Region: Chapada Diamantina

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