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Highest Bidder: Anonymous
10 Puente Tarrazú

Exclusive and Exotic Varietal Auction


x 3 Bids

Winner: Coffee Me Up (Korea)

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My story in coffee production dates back to my family's roots. Both my grandparents and parents have dedicated their entire lives to coffee cultivation. From a young age, I was immersed in this world and started working in coffee production to fund my studies. As I delved deeper into this industry, I realized that it was not just an economic activity but also a culture that encompassed a way of life. Breathing the love for coffee and being part of the industrialization of this product became my greatest inspiration.

Facing challenges is a constant in coffee farming. From climate change to emerging diseases and the exchange rate in our country, these are just a few of the many aspects that make this economic activity unstable. However, I have managed to overcome these challenges through constant research on agrochemicals for fertilization, diversification in crop varieties, and particular education in the economic management of coffee farming. These strategies have allowed me to continue in the activity and keep growing.

My farm, San Antonio, is a small plot located in San Antonio de León Cortés. It is part of my mother's family farm, which has been in our hands since my great-grandfather. The introduction of the Geisha variety was an experiment started by my cousin Rodolfo Rivera on his San Martín farm, and he generously gave me the first plants so that I could also venture into this variety.

What sets me apart as a coffee producer is the constant pursuit of improving the product. Identifying alternatives in agrochemical assistance and coffee processing, and having the guidance of professionals who share this coffee culture as a way of life, is what drives improvement in each stage of the process. My focus is to involve all people related to the product, as improving each part contributes to overall success.

My fundamental values and principles as a coffee producer are reflected in my lifestyle. Honesty in the product is a priority for me, supported by a rigorous traceability process that ensures the final product is exactly what is offered. As for my workers, providing them with education and training opportunities, along with fulfilling all social guarantees, is a way to demonstrate my commitment to their stability and well-being.

In terms of special initiatives, I have been part of the entrepreneurship of small businesses that have changed the way coffee is marketed at a community level. Previously, production was mainly negotiated with large multinational companies, but with the emergence of micro-benefits and coffee farms with exotic varieties, we have managed to increase quality and share our experience and training with the entire community.

My long-term vision for our farm is to achieve the best quality it can offer and have it recognized in the coffee industry. I want to share our experience and contribute to the development of other coffee farmers in similar conditions. My dream is to be part of a prosperous and sustainable coffee community where the quality of coffee is valued and appreciated. I want to continue improving and perfecting our agricultural and processing practices to produce a unique and special coffee that stands out in the industry. Additionally, I want to continue implementing special initiatives and programs on our farm that support the local community and improve the living conditions of our employees.

In summary, my story in coffee production is based on family heritage, love for cultivation, and passion for the coffee culture. Despite the challenges, I have found ways to overcome them through research, diversification, and education. My farm has been in my family for generations, and I am committed to carrying it forward with responsibility and respect. My values and principles are reflected in my work and how I treat my workers, always seeking honesty, equity, and quality in everything we do. My long-term vision is to contribute to the coffee industry by producing one of the best coffees and sharing our experience for the benefit of other coffee farmers.

Boxes: 2.0
Score: 89.83
Variety: Geisha
Weight: 100
Process: Fully Washed
Region: Tarrazu
Rank: 10
Cupping Notes: Sweet floral aroma, flavors of tangerine and cherry, with a sugarcane juice aftertaste.
Farm Name: San Antonio

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