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Highest Bidder: Anonymous
26 Nueva Zelandia



x 70 Bids

Winner: Linking Coffee

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Herlin Emer Florido Encarnación. is a very dedicated coffee farmer located in the Huánuco region. Pachitea province. Chaglla district. Nueva Zelandia farmhouse. father of 2 minor children. currently lives with his wife. they are a couple dedicated to coffee for more than 10 years. owner of 5 hectares of coffee (1 hectare of Limaní. 3 hectare of Catimor. Catuaí. Típica and 1 hectare of Geisha) his commercialization was for the sale of conventional coffee. thanks for the technical assistance from the PERHUSA SAC company . began with activities to improve quality. opening more opportunities in the sale (niche market of specialty coffees) of their coffee as a specialty. thus improving their lifestyle and that of their family.

Rank: 26
Score: 87.31
Boxes: 10
Weight: 619.49
Region: Huanuco
Process: Washed
Variety: Geisha

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