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Highest Bidder: Anonymous
23 La Maragarita Coffee Reserve



x 71 Bids

Winner: Wataru & Co., Ltd.

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"With 3 years developing specialty coffees in the south of the country. born and raised in coffee-growing families. his greatest motivation was his mother. who together with her developed a project that allowed them to dream and make that dream come true. 15.000 seedlings in absolute responsibility. its production 13 quintals. red and yellow geisha variety.
Mom and Iván are responsible for this wonderful batch LA HIERBALUIZA by La Margarita coffee Reserve everything."

Rank: 23
Score: 87.42
Boxes: 10
Weight: 608.28
Region: Cusco
Process: Washed
Variety: Geisha Amarilla Geisha Rojo

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