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Highest Bidder: Anonymous
16 La Berenjena



x 57 Bids

Winner: Wataru & Co., Ltd.

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"His farm is located at 1.900 meters above sea level in the Caserío de la Huaca. in the district of Huabal.
The varieties that are planted are 3. Red Caturra. Yellow Caturra and Red Bourbon
Nicanor Zurita Moreto. 39. is married to Marita Alelí Torres; He is the father of two children. a 20-year-old woman named Doris and a minor named TAL.
Story from the point of view of Doris (Nicanor's eldest daughter): Nicanor says that he has worked on his grandfather's coffee farms since he was a child. helping to pick cherry trees. spread fertilizer. dig ditches. among other activities. However. at the age of 17. he becomes engaged to his current wife. who was only 15 at the time. At that moment his grandfather decides to help him by granting him part of his farm so that he can work on it and thus provide for his wife and future daughter. Time passed. and with the money they managed to raise. they bought 10 hectares of coffee. in the mountains. to improve the family's quality of life. At that time. their second child was born and with a lot of effort they began to get ahead. However. one day when they had collected the money from the sale of their coffee production. they went to Jaén to deposit it in the bank; but they were robbed on the way since these assaults were common in those times. it was a very sad situation for the family but they managed to recover from that situation with a lot of effort.
Today Nicanor knows that the future of coffee is linked to improving its quality and he keeps working hard with the help of his wife to continue improving the quality of his fruits."

Rank: 16
Score: 87.77
Boxes: 10
Weight: 618.21
Region: Cajamarca
Process: Natural
Variety: Caturra

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