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Highest Bidder: Anonymous
15 La Palma



x 42 Bids

Winner: Wataru & Co., Ltd.

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"The orange plot is approximately 20 years old in terms of coffee cultivation with varieties of Caturra and Bourbón. with native shade trees and fruit trees The last installation was made in 2020. with varieties. caturra. bourbon and geisha.
This farm is located at 1.650 meters above sea level in the buffer zone of the Tobacconas Namballe National Sanctuary (SNTN). in the basin of the Cerro El Tigre ravine. As a producer. we are also committed to sustainable agriculture and protect our natural reserves. flora and wild fauna."

Rank: 15
Score: 88
Boxes: 11
Weight: 675.54
Region: Cajamarca
Process: Washed
Variety: Caturra Borbon Geisha

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