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Highest Bidder: Anonymous
14 La Palma



x 64 Bids

Winner: Caffeinelab Coffee Roasters

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The La Palma farm is located in the Aguas Claras sector of Caserío La Palma in the Chirinos District. it is located on every edge of the road. with mobility access to the plot. it has 2.00 hectares in total. cultivated with coffee. it is located at an altitude of 1850 m.a.s.l.. In 2016 this plot was bought with coffee. it is one of the oldest farms I have. The yellow Caturra and red Bourbon coffee varieties are planted on this plot.

Rank: 14
Score: 88
Boxes: 11
Weight: 706.6
Region: Cajamarca
Process: Natural
Variety: Caturra – Bourbon

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