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Highest Bidder: Anonymous
20 Los Angeles



x 43 Bids

Winner: Wataru & Co., Ltd.

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José Ignacio is a second generation coffee producer in his family. He is a pioneer in the planting and production of specialty coffees in the municipality of Buesaco. It has a history of around 9 years cultivating the geisha variety. The seed was brought from Panama, planted and today already adapted in the fertile lands of Los Ángeles farm. This farm is one of the most ambitious and visionary productive projects in the region. Constant experimentation is carried out and innovative technologies are used in post-harvest processes; controlling the processes of fermentation, drying and storage of grains.
Rank: 20
Score: 87.07
Boxes: 9
Weight: 623.91
Variety: Geisha
Process: Washed
Region: Nariño
Acidity: Citric Acid, Citric, Complex, Lactic, Lemon & Lime, Malic Acid, Orange, Other Fruit, Pleasant lactic, Structure, Tartaric
Flavour: Cranberry, Dried Fruit, Jasmine, Peach, Tangerine, Vanilla, Almond, Apple, Black Currant, Black Tea, Bran, Citric Acid, Citrus Fruit, Complex, Congee, Ginger, Grapefruit, Green Tea, Guava, Lemon, Lime, Malt, Maple Syrup, Marmalade
Overall: Milk Chocolate, Balanced and clean, Mellow and smooth attributes, Mild citric tone,Raisin, Soft, Tea like, Tea-like Body

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