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One Of A Kind 7 La Tacita
12101.49Guatemala Cup of Excellence
Winner: Wataru & Co., Ltd.
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La Tacita coffee is all processed at San Miguel mill. First, the farm sends the cherries separated by varietals. Then, the mill processes the cherries through a newly installed micro-mill, designed to process high altitude, single varietal coffees that have been properly picked at the ripest stage. After removing the pulp, the coffee is fermented, washed and dried in African Beds, installed at the mill 3 years ago.
La Tacita is currently under heavy renewing efforts, planting new tissue with an aim to increase production while maintaining quality.
Boxes: | 14 |
Score: | 87.5 |
Variety: | Borbon |
Weight: | 938.1 |
Process: | Lavado |
Region: | Sacatepequez |
Rank: | One Of A Kind |