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Highest Bidder: Anonymous
19 La mina

Colombia Cup of Excellence


x 64 Bids

Winner: Wataru & Co., Ltd.

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Jheison started in coffee after the pandemic, he retired from the soccer fields to return to his town, and to have a job, he started working with his father and grandfather who have been dedicated to coffee for a long time, He really liked the topic and the participation that they had in Tasa de la Excelencia for those dates, he completely immersed himself in the topic about Tasa La Excelencia, about what the auctions were like, etc., and in the next one with his grandfather he was able to manage a lot for being able to make your own coffee and being able to participate in Tasa La Excelencia, last year I participated and was among the best 40 but I didn't make it to the auction, this year with a lot of dedication and studying a lot the topic of coffee fermentation, and learning more of his grandfather and his father, combining the knowledge of each other, innovating with new processes, he has been able to reach the auction, which has him very happy and motivated to continue on the path of coffee, and together with his girlfriend Leshly Reina, they are both 22 years old and are very interested in continuing in this world of specialty coffees, continuing to improve and learn and be able to reach a better position next year.
Boxes: 11
Score: 87.78
Variety: Caturra, Castillo, Colombia
Weight: 683.43
Process: Washed
Region: Nariño
Rank: 19

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