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Highest Bidder: Anonymous
14 La Vega

Colombia Cup of Excellence


x 50 Bids

Winner: BPC

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The coffee producer lives in the Huila department, in the municipality of Palestina, in the El Silencio hamlet, on the La Vega farm.

Years ago, my husband's family used to travel to Huila to work, and he fell in love with the land. He managed to purchase this farm, and while working to name the different plots, the lower part of the farm was named "La Vega" because it's close to a creek.

With our La Vega farm, we have been living here for more than 60 years since we arrived from the Paisa region, seeking better opportunities and well-being for our family. We are coffee growers for a lifetime, and our love and appreciation for this tradition come naturally and motivate us to live each day.

Being on our farm, surrounded by a unique and magical landscape nestled in the Central Andes, allows us to dream and believe that a better future is possible for everyone.

Our coffee varieties, including caturra, tabí, geisha, and the Borbón Rosado lot, have enabled us to produce an excellent product for both locals and foreigners. Our coffees have been recognized for their quality, with unique notes of citrus, panela, and sweetness.

I am grateful to God and to the hardworking friends who help me on the farm. Without them, we wouldn't be able to achieve these projects.

I want to express my gratitude to Caravela and Asecc for the opportunity they provide for our coffee to reach new people and markets who are interested in it.

Boxes: 23
Score: 88.00
Variety: Bourbon Rosado
Weight: 1477.10
Process: Washed Anaerobic
Region: Huila
Rank: 14

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