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Highest Bidder: Anonymous
5 La Bohemia

Colombia Cup of Excellence


x 121 Bids

Winner: Beijing Specialty Drink Technology Co. , Ltd.

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Raquel was born in a family of coffee farmers. From her childhood she remembers the sound of the pulping machine, which meant that it was harvest time, a time of a lot of work and effort, it was a very pleasant time because she knew that the reward would come later; Coffee for Raquel and her family has always been the economic source to be able to improve and move forward. Last year, Finca la Bohemia obtained first place in the Excellence Rate and that provided them with economic resources and international recognition. La Bohemia is The farm that she hopes will be an example for other coffee growers, Rate Excellence for this family has been a sale to the world.
Boxes: 9
Score: 89.78
Variety: Geisha
Weight: 562.18
Process: Washed
Region: Nariño
Rank: 5

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